National Credit Union Association's Call Report Dataset

Author: Noah Gomez
Created: 1 July 2023
Published: 19 December 2023
Updated: 30 May 2024

Status: Active

Active - Continually Updated

Dataset Metadata

Product Concerned: Credit Builder Loan
File Type: Created in Microsoft Excel, Hosted Privately
Availability Status: Public
Mother Catelog: Public Datasets
Mother Catelog Description: A collection of datasets acquired, processed, refined, and analyzed by Thick Credit.

Date Updated

30 May 2024


This table hosts commercial data of over 4600 credit unions in the market. It is a private dataset created by ThickCredit and adapted from the NCUAs database that is not available to the public used to identify, rank, and tailor the best offers to consumers throughout ThickCredit's product and content.

Sample (Image)

Similar Datasets

This dataset is similar to but not the same as:

  • the credit builder card dataset,
  • the credit builder loan dataset,
  • the secured credit card dataset,
  • the savings-secured loan dataset, and
  • the rent reporting services dataset.

Data Fields in Table

  • Charter number. The name of each lender in the dataset.
  • Year and quarter. The year and quarter of affiliation for each lender in the dataset.
  • Credit Union name. The charter number of each lender in the dataset.
  • Street (Mailing address). The street address of each lender in the dataset.
  • City (Mailing address). The city of each lender in the dataset.
  • State (Mailing address). The state where the lender is located.
  • Zip code (Mailing address). The ZIP code of each lender in the dataset.
  • Credit Union type. Whether the lender is federal or state insured, for each lender in the dataset.
  • NCUA region. The region of each lender in the dataset.
  • Low-income designation. Whether the credit union is focused on low-income regions.
  • Members. The number of members the credit union has.
  • Total assets. The total asset value of each credit union in the dataset.
  • Total loans. The total loan value of each credit union in the dataset.
  • Total deposits. The total deposits of each credit union in the dataset.
  • Return on average assets. The return on average assets ratio for each lender in the dataset.
  • Net worth ratio. The net worth ratio for each lender in the dataset.
  • Loan-to-share ratio. The loan-to-share ratio for each lender in the dataset.
  • ACCT_879D1. A binary flag to indicate the presence of credit builder products, for each lender in the dataset.

Data Quality & Validation


Data is chosen and collected with consumer borrowers in mind. Data fields are limited to metrics that inform decision-making and risk-mitigation, as well as clerical or other contact information.


All data is collected each quarter as new call report data surfaces.


Accuracy is reinforced by dual-authentication and continual updating of evolutionary figures.


The data is complete because it comes directly from the national credit union administration.


The data is updated quarterly to include new data and new offers entering the market.


Cleaning is not required for this dataset because the data is collected directly from the source and repurposed from other sources.


The dataset is hosted natively offline and on hard drives inaccessible via internet channels.


We use a conservative framework that eliminates outliers that have a material impact on analytical metrics helpful to consumers.

About the Author

Noah Gomez (founder of Thick Credit) is a transatlantic professional and entrepreneur with 3+ years experience in consumer finance education. He also has 5+ years of experience in corporate finance, including debt financing, M&A, listing preparation, US GAAP and IFRS.

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