Build your own credit building plan.

Create & complete a 3-part plan based on your budget & timeline & bypass credit traps at each step — for less than the price of dinner & 100% online.

Create your free plan now.

Card not required. Will not impact your credit.

As featured in

We're 1 of your 5 options

❶ Thick Credit Platform


Credit building


FICO® not "FAKO" scores


Adaptable (over time)

Free Score Platforms

(Credit Karma, Experian, etc.)

Credit building


FICO® not "FAKO" scores


Adaptable (over time)

❸ Credit Builder Loan or Card

(Self, Kickoff)

Credit building


FICO® not "FAKO" scores


Adaptable (over time)

❹ Credit Repair Agencies

(Lexington Law, TheCreditPros, etc.)

Credit building


FICO® not "FAKO" scores


Adaptable (over time)

❺ Credit Counseling

(Court ordered for bankruptcy)

Credit building


FICO® not "FAKO" scores


Adaptable (over time)

With us...

No card or loan required

(you decide)

Guaranteed point increase

(based on profile)

Profile compatibility check

(to ensure results)

100% Free for Scores <580

(we don't kick while you're down)

Build knowledge as you go

(& avoid costly mistakes)

Adjust anytime

(life happens, adapt accordingly)

Cancel anytime

(when you're done, you're done)

How It Works

1. Select your budget & location.

Where you live impacts available products.

Everyone has different goals. We'll provide budget recommendations based on yours.

2. Outline your current profile.

Your existing credit impacts what products you can use and the time required to rebuild. We'll provide options to choose from.

3. Choose a plan & adjust to your liking.

We'll propose a plan, but you adjust amounts, timing, and products any way you want.

It's not rocket science.

You just need a guide.


Can't I do this myself?

Yes, if you feel comfortable doing the research and taking some risk, you can go it (all) alone. Just remember that small mistakes can have big consequences. Make sure you dedicate enough time to research. You can also ask questions on a 15 minute free chat here.

I have a unique situation, how do I know if it's for me?

Some of the most common problems we handle include:

Unsure which score is the right one. || Confused why good score didn't get you approved. || Unsure about getting new accounts vs. working on existing ones. || Skeptical of banker offering a credit card to protect your credit (it's a lie). || Opened account caused score drop. || Closed account caused score drop. || Following "all the rules" but don't see score changing. || Scores differ across credit bureaus (TransUnion, Experian, Equifax). || Up-to-date on old accounts but score is decreasing. || New account caused big score increase, but then it stagnated. || Don't want to pay for FICO scores each month, but need to monitor. || Unsure how many credit cards you should have. || Unsure how much to put on credit cards. || Uncertain about authorized usership. || Account appears on one credit score, but not others. || Score dropped when installment loan aged off report. || You heard of pay-for-delete but your creditor won't accept it. || Confused about so-called "consumer finance accounts." || Mortgage seems to have different impact than other installment debt. || Confused why mortgages & auto loans have separate categories. || Confused why mortgages & auto loans have dedicated scores.

And many more...

You can schedule a 15 min chat for free here to be sure we can help your specific circumstances.

I don't like the idea of getting debt. Do I need it?

You'll need it to make meaningful progress. Credit is an old game that requires we pay to play. But like any game, there are ways to win efficiently when you have the right skills and tools.

I know people with high scores and just one card. Why don't I just do that?

You can. We built these packages because credit can be misleading. A high score does not mean "creditworthy compared to everyone." It just means "compared to others like you, you are less likely to default." But that can simply mean others like you don't use much debt at all! Banks know this.

The point is, you're here because you're proactive, and our packages are designed to set you up for lifelong success by creating a strong foundation.

How is this different from my local credit repair service?

Grrr, hot topic for us. "Repair" is the operating word here, and it just means disputing errors with credit bureaus (legally speaking and in pactice). It does not "build" your profile for lasting results. We focus on building a thick, resistant profile that stands the test of time.

How are you different from competitors?

We don't take commissions, so we only profit by actually helping you unlike any other credit service online.

Plus, we don't know of other automated credit rebuilding services, but we use an algorithm to match your profile with a customized plan that considers factors on and off your report.

For example, we identify specific products based on your location and available funds. We implement common and less-common techniques at optimal frequencies, such as opening multiple accounts quickly to minimize hard pull count and preempt credit-limit increase requests by choosing cards more favorable to approving from the start. We eliminate secured credit cards entirely — they are obsolete. We plan rotational card usage to avoid innactivity closure and penalties for all-zero accounts.

Most importantly, we automate the lengthy process so you don't have to deal with the stress of uncertainty. Just take 2-3 steps each week.

We also believe in "learning by doing," so we explain each step we recommend. That way you walk away with more than a better profile — you actually know what's going on.

Can't I just get a credit builder loan or app like Self or Kikoff?

Yes, (some) credit builder loans/cards/apps are great tools. We focus on building comprehensive profiles of loans and cards that we know and trust to improve credit quickly without creating constraints in the future.

What if I start a program and decide to stop?

We'll refund you the difference if you paid up front or terminate your monthly subscription. You shouldn't pay for something if you don't think it helps. However (as you know), the single most important factor in your credit is consistent payments, so make sure you have a plan before cancelling.

How much does it cost?

Most customers choose the $12.97/month option.

Internally we call this the "water" package because it's roughly equivalent to the amount Americans spend on water each month.

What's the catch?

We have a secret motive. Credit building is a humbling task, the great equalizer in a capitalist society. Like life, it takes patience, can have unpleasant surprises, and sometimes even involves some luck. But unlike life, we ensure you don't make huge mistakes along the way, so you can learn and grow in a healthy way.

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Thick Credit is not a credit repair organization, a credit conseling agency, or a debtor education providor. It does not act on your behalf to communicate with credit reporting agencies or provide pre-bankruptcy credit counseling and pre-discharge debtor education for bankruptcy.

©2024 Thick Credit, All right reserved.